Pawleys Island’s
Independent Bookstore
(est. 1984)
We love introducing you to just the right book!
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Welcome to Litchfield Books!
We are famous for launching New York Times Bestselling Authors for the publication of their new books at our Litchfield Books Exclusive Author Events weekly.
Some names we are proud of booking and hosting just this past year are; Susan Mallery, David Baldacci, Erik Larson, Frances Mayes, Chris Whitaker, and many more wonderful authors!
We are delighted to be voted again for the fourth year in a row, the BEST Bookstore by the 2024 Readers Choice Awards!
Litchfield Books was founded in 1984. Owners Olivia- who worked for the previous owner for several years and obtained her Bachelor’s in English Literature in 2018 and her mom Wendy- a retired educator with her doctorate degree in literacy, aim to keep Litchfield Books a happy place with a kindness that joins like-minded individuals together with the power of reading and knowledge.
“Our bookstore is eccentric; it showcases some of the world’s hidden talents among our shelves. Independent bookstores are rare, but so important. When supporting a small business you are keeping a community alive”
Monday –Thursday: 11AM -5:00PM
Friday: 1PM - 5:00PM (We are on location off campus at our author events from 10-1)
Saturday: 11AM - 5:00PM
Sundays: CLOSED
Telephone: 843.237.8138